Caring for Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo
Dracaena sanderiana
Ease of Care: Easy
Light Requirement: Indirect to Low Light
Water Requirement: Can be grown in water, or evenly moist soil

Lucky Bamboo is an easy growing plant for low light spaces. Most people growing lucky bamboo indoors will grow it in a glass container with water and stones at the bottom.

If your lucky bamboo is growing in water, be sure to use filtered water and make sure to change the water every two to four weeks. Keep at least 1 to 3 inches of water in the container while your bamboo is putting on roots. Once it grows roots, make sure that the roots stay covered by water.

As your lucky bamboo grows, you can increase the amount of water it grows in. The higher up the stalk the water goes, the higher up the stalk the roots will grow. The more roots the lucky bamboo has, the more lush the top foliage will grow. Encourage more growth during the spring and summer by adding a small drop of liquid fertilizer to fresh water.


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